Angelica Panganiban, a Filipino American actress and model who also serves as a TV hostess and comedian. Panganiban, who has been known as "the new queen of drama" in a number of news publications within the Philippines she is among the most well-known and versatile actresses. Although the term angelica implies that only roots are utilized, a variety of herbal medicines and A. archangelica-based products contain flowers, seeds and fruits or the entire plant. The majority of these products only utilize the root. Angelica took part in America's Got Talent season 12, which she won past the auditions in the first round. Her rendition to Rise Up performed by Andra Days was a big help in her passing. Angelica's rendition of Girl on Fire (Alicia Keys) during the Judge Cuts was deemed worthy by Chris Hardwick, a guest judge. She then went straight into the live show. During the live shows she performed Clarity by Zedd in the quarterfinals, and Without You By David Guetta for her Semifinals performance. Angelica was able to advance into the Finals. She sang Symphony, performed by Clean Bandit. The final episode featured her performing Stronger, along with Kelly Clarkson. She was the youngest ever runner-up and placed second in the contest. Angelica Hale became very sick in 2012 when she was only 4 years older. Her pneumonia was double caused by an aggressive S. pneumoniae bacteria infection. Children's Healthcare of Atlanta Egleston placed Angelica Hale on ECMO support for lifesaving treatment. She became septic, had kidney failure and organ failure that did not recover. It was her new normal to have hemodialyses and peritoneal-dialysis. After an eighteen-day stay in the hospital, Angelica was almost dead after which she began a journey to recuperation. Angelica was being on dialysis for the past year and a half before she was finally ready for the biggest procedure of her life, a kidney transplant. Her mother would be the recipient. Angelica and mom had the surgery to remove their kidneys successfully on the 13th of September, 2013. The surgery was performed at Emory University Hospital and Children's Healthcare of Atlanta Egleston, two hospitals situated across from one another. Angelica Hale pursued her dream to become a famous person from the beginning.
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